  1. Found


I listen to break up songs and think of you
And all the silly shit we used to do
Like stealing stray eggs from the 7-eleven
And taking Black Dog pints into Buck’s empty heaven

On the last day of the before times
You were nowhere to be found
Got caught up in the crowd
I was never quite that loud

As the leaves turn golden
I can’t help but be beholden
To all the laughs we’ve shared before
I’m moving on
Moving past this
And I hope you get through this

Maybe I owe you a kinder goodbye
But I don’t have it in me to even say hi
When I run into you
around our old stomping grounds

It’s been a year
feels like a lifetime
Since we were knocking back pints
In the Dog’s basement
Couldn't get closer to heaven if we tried

I wonder what the last days of these times might look like
Will we be sitting under the summer sun
Or cooking up a new type of winter fun
Will you be around
Will I even want to be found